Police Chaplains serve in the front lines of secular society. They provide services and support not only to front line Police Officers and Law Enforcement Agencies, but also to the general community.

The duties of a Police Chaplain may include, but are not limited to:

Riding along with Officers on routine patrol on various shifts.

Accompanying Officers to assist with notification of any suicide, death or serious injury.

Working with Officers to assist in any kind of crisis situation where the presence of a trained Chaplain might help.

Counseling Department members in response to stress or family crisis problems. Any such assistance will be privileged and confidential information between the Officer and the Chaplain involved.

Visiting sick or injured members of the Department at their home or in the hospital.

Offering prayers at special occasions such as recruit graduations, award ceremonies and dedications of buildings, etc.

Serving on review boards and / or other committees.

Advising the Chief of Police in all matters of a religious nature involving the Police Department and performance of law enforcement duties in the community. Further, Police Chaplains shall act as a liaison with local ministerial associations and on matters pertaining to the moral, spiritual, and religious welfare of police personnel.

Assisting the Police Department in the performance of Marriage, Funeral services of its personnel and other appropriate ceremonial functions.

Providing practical assistance to victims.

Assisting at suicide incidents.

Assisting with specialized teams (Crisis Response, Hostage Negotiation, SWAT, etc.)